Monday 13 February 2012

How to Make a Lariat: Step by Step

Estimated time to make: ½ - 1 hour depending on how many bits you want to add on.
Step 1: Lay out all of the beads and bits that you want to add to your necklace and have a think about the design you want, decide if you want to make a pattern e.g. with mine I have buttons on their own, glass beads on their own, and a group of three beads together (glass, metal, glass).
You can do any pattern you like, or just make it random, but it’s good to lay the beads out in a line to represent where you might want them on the necklace so that it isn’t too weighted on one side versus the other and you don’t run out of a certain bead or colour too quickly.

how to make a lariat step 1

Step 2: Start with one end of the lariat, where we are going to create a cluster of beads to create a nice weight. String 3-4 items onto the cord and tie the cord back on itself with a double knot. Add some clear glue to the knot, or clear nail varnish, to secure if you wish.

how to make a lariat step 2

Step 3: Start to string on the beads and bits in the design you have decided upon, you may want some to move up and down the cord loosely e.g. buttons, in which case they can be strung straight on, but if you want to create a little group of some beads then make a knot in the cord first, and then string on the beads and finish off with another knot in the cord to hold them in place. You may need to do a double knot if the bead hole is large.

how to make a lariat step 3

Step 4: When you reach the other end of the lariat and have strung on all the beads you wanted, string on another cluster of 3-4 beads and tie the cord back on itself in a double knot, as we did at the start (Step 2), and add some glue if you wish

Step 5: Give/wear with pride!

how to make a lariat finished

Thanks again to Suzy for sharing such wonderful and clear instructions with us!
If you too have a gift idea you would like to share with our readers, please get in touch using this form. One of the nicest things about being a crafter is sharing ideas, and we would love to hear from you!

Other Lovely Things You Can Make

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